Pot Works in Longton
Amongst the many plans of properties on Granville Leveson-Gower (1721-1803), the Marquis of Stafford’s estates is a plan made in 1797 of ‘the Potwork and Premises of Mr Robert Garner at Lane End’. The ...
Urban Development in Longton
One plan in the Sutherland Papers from 1867 shows ‘Property Adjoining the Town of Longton in the Parish of Trentham as Laid out for Building Purposes’. The property belonged to George Granville William ...
Trouble at the Manor Court: Potters and Illegal Dogs
The Court Papers for Longton include the Court Verdict for 'the Court Baron of Obadiah Lane' held on 17th April 1733. The document provides an insight into the type of local matters debated at the Manor ...
The Marquis of Stafford and Land for Lane End Chapel
A letter from John Bishton dated 1st April 1809 to Reverend Thomas Butt describes land 'that the Marquis of Stafford has given to Lane End Chapel'.
After the Act of Parliament made in 1792 for enlarging ...
Mining in Longton: Florence Colliery
Mining had begun in Longton before the end of the seventeenth century. By 1775 there were numerous coal workings in the area and the economical availability of coal in Longton encouraged the rise of the ...
Longton People: Samuel Woolley: A tale of one family’s battle against adversity
Amongst the many letters written to the Leveson-Gower family appealing for financial assistance is a detailed letter by a man named Samuel Woolley. Woolley’s letter describes the suffering of his family ...
Longton Chapels
In 1762 John Bourne, the Town Clerk of Newcastle, provided money for the building of a chapel at Lane End. By the 1790s the chapel and cemetery were in a dilapidated condition and too small to accommdate ...
Local Communities and Controversy: Life in Oulton and the Stone and Lane-End Road
In January 1847 the Trustees of the Stone and Lane-End Road in Longton called a meeting at the Trentham Inn to consider Orders which had been passed ‘for stopping up certain portions of the Turnpike Road, ...
Lane End Cholera Hospital, 1833
The Sutherland Papers contain a number of documents relating to municipal facilities which were established in Longton.
Dated 6th December 1833, the document above is signed by ‘the Churchwardens ...
Land Disputes in the Manor of Longton: William Fowler and Longton Boundary Deeds
One of the most intriguing documents amongst the Manor Court Papers for Longton (1696-1733) is a letter written to Obadiah Lane, Lord of the Manor of Longton by a man called William Fowler.
Fowler, ...
Industry in Longton
J. H. Y. Briggs suggests that mining was important in Longton from the late seventeenth century onwards. By the 1720s the Leveson-Gower family were exploiting the mineral resources on their lands in Priorsfield.
By ...
Disputes over Rent at the Manor Court
The Manor Court was not just an occasion for tenants to show deference to the Lord of the Manor. Important local issues were also debated, including disputes over rent.
One document within the Court ...
Debris and Subsidence: Objections to the Duke’s Offer: George Kent's Letter
A letter from George Kent, the Town Clerk in Longton, thanks the Duke for his ‘generous offer to present the Borough with a site for Municipal Buildings.’
The Duke offered the Borough some land on ...
Duchess Harriet's Accounts and Vouchers
The Sutherland Papers include a huge variety of documents relating to life in the Leveson-Gower family's households during the nineteenth century. Papers relating to Harriet Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (1806-1868), ...
The Duke of Sutherland and Thomas Grenville
Amongst the bundles of letters received by the second Duke and Duchess of Sutherland is a letter from Thomas Grenville, dated 31st December 1844. Grenville had been a close associate of George Granville ...
The Duke of Sutherland and Patronage of the Arts
Owing to their prestigious public status and their variety of social connections, the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland were often asked to serve as patrons to musicians and artists.
A letter from Princess ...
The Duke of Sutherland and Estate Management: Rewards for Cottagers, 1847
A letter dated November 1st 1847 from George Cooper, John Bate and John Swift demonstrates that the Duke of Sutherland took an active interest in the lifestyle of his tenants and was keen to reward those ...
The Duke of Sutherland and Estate Management: Oswald Mosley and Stoke-on-Trent
A number of letters in the Duke’s papers concern the management of his extensive estates in Staffordshire and Shropshire. A notable letter amongst these is from Oswald Mosley and concerns the management ...