Description:In addition to her role as a London hostess at Stafford House, Harriet Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (1806-1868), the second Duchess of Sutherland, was actively involved in campaigns for social reform. Her correspondence indicates that she was associated with many prominent contemporary reformers, and pursued an interest in the abolishment of slavery. Her personal accounts reveal that she gave generously to both local and national charities and societies.
Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845)
A particularly notable letter amongst Duchess Harriet’s papers is a letter from Elizabeth Fry dated July 5th 1841. Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) was a philanthropist who campaigned throughout the nineteenth century for prison reform. Her endeavours are commemorated by her appearance on the Bank of England five pound note. Influenced by Quaker preaching, Fry actively campaigned for reform in the treatment of prisoners, opening a school to educate children who had been imprisoned with their parents. She was involved in the foundation of the Association for the Improvement of the Female Prisoners in Newgate. She also helped homeless people and established a training school for nurses which gave inspiration to Florence Nightingale and provided Nightingale with nurses during the Crimean War.
Fry’s letter, featured above, demonstrates Duchess Harriet’s association with prominent contemporary philanthropists. Fry requests a meeting with Duchess Harriet, indicating that they were already acquainted. She writes: ‘Would it suit thee to see me for a few minutes tomorrow? I propose calling upon thee about ¼ past two o’clock and if thow are disposed to see me be so kind to let thy servant inform me when I call’.
Click on the image on the left to learn more about Duchess Harriet, social reform and charity.
Contextual Information on Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) from: Francisca de Haan, ‘Fry , Elizabeth (1780–1845)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, May 2007 []