Description:Many documents in the Sutherland Papers relate to the money spent by the Leveson-Gower family on purchases for themselves and their properties.
A particularly ornate document amongst these is an account from ‘Josiah Spode, Potter, and English Porcelain Manufacturer’. The document gives details about products manufactured by Spode which were purchased by George Granville. The items listed include 12 ‘White China’ Teacups and Saucers, and a number of ‘Brush Trays’. The products purchased were sent to ‘Trentham’ and ‘Lilleshall’ in September 1829, including a ‘Hand Bowl’, and more unusual items such ‘1 China Black Swan’ and ‘1 China Biscuit Grey Hound’s Head’ which were probably more decorative than functional.
Click on the images on the left to see more documents relating to George Granville Leveson-Gower's purchases.